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Collaborative work as a didactic strategy for text production


The article aims to analyze the perceptions of Spanish language teachers on the importance of implementing collaborative work as a didactic strategy for text production. A sequence was designed to address writing from a collaborative approach and to reflect on the role of teachers and students in this process. There were 22 participating teachers from educational institutions in the province of Concepción, Chile. The methodology used had a mixed design, with a descriptive approach. An observation guideline, a closed-ended questionnaire, and a script for the focus group were used as instruments. In the findings, on one hand, we highlight the value of collaborative work as a strategy that promotes the active role of students and fosters their cognitive and metacognitive development, as it allows them to approach knowledge from practice and, on the other hand, the active participation
in the learning process. Even though the strategy for student education is praised, there is a strong criticism regarding the process of written production and the way of working on collective construction with the students.


writing, didactic strategy, metacognition, collaborative methodology

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