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What is the education crisis about?


The education crisis can be read as the dissatisfaction, at different historical moments, about the ways in which it is carried out. For this reason, the crisis turns into criticism of school practices, teaching methods, or the lack of relationship between educational achievements and economic problems. Understood in this way, crises are multiple and permanent. However, this paper proposes a different understanding. What is in crisis is education as a historical event. To do this, we turn to a review of the conceptual limits of the «crisis», as well as the characterization of education as a modern concept, by reading some works belonging to the canon of pedagogy. In the end, it is argued that the crisis implies the transition towards a form of education that has a different anthropological meaning, related to a decline in educational purposes coupled with the notion of the future, which was replaced, in the 20th century, by a idea of ​​permanent present.


Crisis, education, time, criticism

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