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School Satisfaction and Physical Activity in Colombian University Students


Following the conclusion of the lockdown period caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a lack of studies on physical activity as a factor associated with satisfaction in education and Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT). This article investigates the relationships between university student satisfaction, Physical Activity (PA), and Personal Agency applied to Physical Activity and Conditioning (PAPAC) using a cross-sectional quantitative approach. A survey was conducted on 389 students (selected through intentional sampling), with 64.3% being female and 35.7% male, aged between 18 and 55 years. The analysis utilized the Chi-square Automatic Interaction Detector (CHAID) Decision Tree. The findings reveal that the satisfaction levels of university students improve when they participate in a physical activity program, compared to those who do not engage in it regularly. In conclusion, participation in physical activity and the application of personal agency in physical activity appear to be linked to higher university student satisfaction, indicating a greater dedication to self-improvement and recognition of the efforts of their educators in achieving academic goals.


fulfillment, self-discipline, physical activity, ; secondary education, student

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