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Physical deformation through a performed walk


Body deFormation through a performed walk is a proposal that hopes, from another perspective, to contribute to the field of pedagogy, especially in these times of fragility and uncertainty, given that every day different voices challenge and question the educational forms and/or formative of a country like Colombia. This article, beyond pretending to be a criticism, is a reflection that ponders the importance of the body and its sense of corporality ― experience, a connotation that requires modes of attention in and from the body itself ― existence/presence. To do this, three tours are carried out: the first is the description of a post-qualitative methodology with a rhizoanalytic and performative approach (arts-based research); in the second, it goes through the results obtained in the CEFA Educational Institution ― female institution, located in Comuna 10 of the city of Medellín. Finally, the conclusions are addressed from the cartographic document prepared by the participants who were in this Body deFormation through a performed walk.


cartography, body, experience

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