Traditional education devoured by the Internet and social networks
Education in our continent has invariably been deficient. It has been marked by the implementation of old, obsolete, untidy, improvised, and, in the best of cases, experimental curricula, and to this, we should add that, at least in Mexico, education has been affected by dishonest and corrupt unionism that has only enriched itself at the expense of the national treasury and has never worked to improve education. In this sense, thinking about education and its current processes helps to rethink both the conditions and the methodologies used by traditional education, which is forced to change due to the current processes, and even more so because of the COVID-19 pandemic. For this purpose, some ideas of contemporary authors who reflect on new technologies (Costa, 2021; Harari, 2021; and others) can help us in understanding the issue, showing at the same time a halo of uncertainty and expectations for all that the post-pandemic has left us, but also for the new transformations to come.
education, failure, internet, social media, COVID-19
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